I've been using makeup brushes for a long time, and I know how important it is to clean them regularly. But I've also found that it can be a hassle when you're trying to get ready in the morning!
I'm going to share how easy it is to keep your makeup brushes clean - and what
you need to do so they stay that way.
Step 1: Clear Off The Countertop.
- Clear off the
you begin, make sure the counter is clear of dust and dirt. Use a towel to wipe
it down and make sure that it's dry before starting your project!
you don't have a counter or just don't want to use one in this case, use
newspaper instead.
Step 2: Use Water To Dampen Your Brushes.
- Take a warm bath
or shower. Dampen your brushes in warm water, then swirl them around until
they're all wet.
- Use a sponge or
towel to soak up excess water from your brush.
- Wipe down each
brush with paper towels as soon as you've finished drying them by hand (or
using an electric blow-dryer). This will help prevent any residue from
building up on the bristles, which can cause breakage when you're trying
to use them later on!
Step 3: Add a Few Drops of Baby Shampoo To Your Palm.
- Add a few drops
of baby shampoo to your palm.
- Wash the brush
in lukewarm water, and then rinse thoroughly with clean water.
- Gently squeeze
out any excess water from the brush using your hand or towel.
Step 4: Dip Each Brush Into The Shampoo and Swirl It around.
want to dip each brush into the shampoo and swirl it around. This is especially
important if you have a cosmetic brush that's been used for other purposes,
like applying foundation or eyeshadow. You don't want your makeup brushes
cleaning products on them!
can use any kind of shampoo—just make sure to clean the bristles, not just the
handle. Don't scrub too hard or leave your brushes in there for too long
(you'll end up with dried-on gunk).
once you're finished rinsing out all of those nasty chemicals from your
brushes, rinse them off under cold water until they're completely clear before
drying them off with paper towels or a soft cloth (if needed).
Step 5: Rinse Each Brush Under Warm Running Water.
- Rinse each brush
under warm running water.
your fingers to massage the bristles of the brushes to get every bit of shampoo
out, then rinse them under warm running water until they are free of any
remaining soap or product residue.
Step 6: Remind Yourself That You Don't Have To Do This Every Day - It's Enough To Wash Them Once a Week.
- Make sure to
clean your brushes weekly. If you're only washing them once a week and
don't want to leave them dirty, that's fine! You can do it less often if
you like—or even as often as you want.
- Remind yourself
that it's okay if something gets dirty or worn out after one use (even if
it looks better than when we started). It won't hurt the hairbrush to be
used multiple times; in fact, it will help break down any build-up on your
brush and make them last longer.
It's important to keep your makeup
brushes clean, but it doesn't have to be a chore!
important to keep your makeup brushes clean, but it doesn't have to be a chore!
You can use baby shampoo or an old toothbrush to brush off any excess oils and
residue from the bristles.
Just make sure you don't use too much pressure
when cleaning them—you want only the tiniest bit of product buildup on your
brush bristles so that they'll glide smoothly across your face when applying
foundation or concealer.
you're using a spray cleaner, just spray some water on each brush in turn
before cleaning them up with baby shampoo. Then give each one another quick
rinse with soap afterward (or use whichever method suits you best).
that you've read through this post, hopefully you have a better idea of how to
keep your makeup brushes clean. If anything, we hope that you found it
entertaining and not boring! Remember: the key is to go slow and take your time
with each step.
also that as long as you take care of them properly (cleaning them every week
or so), there's no need for fear about their condition or health. After all, if
hair can grow back after being cut off by a razor blade then so should these
make up.
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