How To Create Hair Color Dyes?

How To Create Hair Color Dyes?


I love to dye my hair, but I hate paying for the salon. I've been making my own dyes at home for a while now and it's so much cheaper! Here's how:

Get some hair dye, and get your materials together.

  • Buy hair dye at a store. If you don't have time to go to the beauty supply store, or if it's not open when you want to get there, try buying your hair dye at a regular drugstore.
  • Buy from an online retailer. There are plenty of websites that sell professional-grade products for home use and will deliver them directly to your door step!

Mixing the dyes.

To mix the dyes, you will need to use a ratio of 1:2:3. This means that you’ll need a bowl and three separate bowls. First, mix your dye powder into one bowl. Then add a drop of water and stir until it becomes liquidy again (this step is optional). Finally, add another drop of water and stir again until it has reached its desired consistency (again this step is optional).

Now that we've got our base color ready for application, proceed with applying it to your hair!

Apply the hair dye.

  • Use gloves
  • Mix the dye in a bowl with water
  • Apply the dye to your hair with a brush or comb, starting at the roots and working up to the tips of your strands (or wherever you want to start)
  • Cover your head with a towel for about 10 minutes until completely dry

Remove the hair dye with shampoo.

  • Select a shampoo that is made for your hair type. Color treated hair can react differently to the same dye, so it's important to use a product that's formulated specifically for your hair type.
  • If you have color treated hair, look for shampoos with sulfate-free ingredients and low pH levels (the closer they are to neutral), which will also help protect against fading and bleaching.

Hair dyes can be made at home for less money than bought at a salon.

Hair dyes can be made at home for less money than bought at a salon. The main ingredient is hydrogen peroxide, which is found in household cleaning products like bleach and laundry detergent. You will also need some hair coloring powder and some liquid developer (also called “furniture polish”).

Mix equal amounts of each ingredient together in a bowl until they form a thick paste. Then apply this mixture to your hair until it covers all your roots completely—if you want darker roots, add more hydrogen peroxide; if you want lighter ones, add more developer. Leave on for 15 to 30 minutes before rinsing out with cool water thoroughly so as not to damage your hair strands further!


After reading this post, you now know how to create your own hair dye. It’s not hard and it’s worth doing a few trial runs before committing to the more expensive salon options. If you have any questions about mixing up our dyes or would like some advice on what color suits your skin tone best then please leave us a comment below! We'd love to hear from you!



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